Friday, May 1, 2020

Earn High Valued Salesforce Admin Certification | Enroll Yourself

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A Salesforce Admin Certification is the essential form of honor a Salesforce Administrator can obtain; it shows expertise in the field as well as a commitment to the platform.

Certification is becoming more popular amongst Salesforce professionals. At the very least, it can aid in intensifying a professional’s understanding of the platform. Still, research shows it can also improve employability and open administrators up to a higher caliber of salary.

Why Should You Get Salesforce Admin Certified?

According to the latest Salesforce Salary Survey, 77% of Salesforce professionals are at least one Salesforce certification, with 39% of respondents declaring that their salary increased after becoming Salesforce certified. With this level of competitiveness and a definite bonus for setting the work in, becoming certified can vastly improve your career.

Your first move should be to find out whereby to become a Salesforce Admin Certification and determine which one is right for you. Salesforce is continuously re-evaluating the type of certifications it offers, to ensure it is adaptive to the ever-evolving Salesforce ecosystem.

1. Salesforce Certified Administrator 

Planned for those who have some experience as an administrator but would not think of themselves as an expert, the Salesforce Certified Administrator credential consists of 60 multiple choice questions in a 105 minute exam. That is not to say it is easy; the exam carries a 65% pass mark and allows no reference to informative resources throughout the test; it is just like being back at school.

2. Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator

Much like the standard certification, the Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification offers a 60-question multiple-choice exam with a pass mark of 65%. The difference is that this exam is far more complex, and only those who already hold a Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification can take the test. Given the level of information needed to meet the pass mark in this exam, this credential is reserved for the incredibly skilled Salesforce Administrators out there.

Where Do You Sit for Your Salesforce Admin Certification Exam?

Registration for your Salesforce Administrator Certification is accessible online, and you have the option of where you use the test.

1. Onsite Proctored Exam

You may take your certification exam at a local testing center, date and time of your preference. Salesforce has partnered with Kryterion, which has testing centers all around the world, to make the examination process more suitable for those looking to get certified. We suggest that you register for your exam at least one week in advance to secure your favored date and time.

2. Online Proctored Exam

You may also take your certification exam remotely, meaning you do not even have to leave your house to become Salesforce Admin certified. A proctor will monitor the test by way of a webcam, and you will also have to download software to enable the examiner to observe your screen as you work through the exam. You can read for the exam and take it on the same day, the height of comfort.

Salesforce Administrator Certification Study Guide

To ensure you are fully prepared for the certification exam, make sure you consult all of the available resources. Salesforce supports a mixture of training, study materials, and hands-on experience to prepare for the exam. While we cannot have much influence on your practical experience, we can certainly recommend some of the best training and leadership out there, as well as share some penetration from industry experts.

1. Trailhead: Salesforce Training 

Trailhead is one of the most advanced learning portals in the world. It has several online and instructor-led training courses that are essential when studying for the Salesforce Admin Certification.

There are a massive 35 hours of training materials available at this Salesforce Admin Trailmix, all of which are available to obtain online through the Trailhead portal. However, depending on your circumstances and your budget, you may find that you benefit from more traditional courses.

2. Salesforce Admin Practice Test

If you are looking to experience a real Salesforce Admin Certification practice test under exam conditions, Salesforce offers a mock test that can be taken virtually. Again, you must register through Kryterion, the same as if you were practicing a real exam, only this time, you should locate the Salesforce Administrator Certification Practice Test. You might see this is a significant outlay to put your mind at peace or better tell you of what to anticipate.

3. Salesforce Admin Flashcards

Instead of attempting to digest a considerable collection of answers from Salesforce Certified Administrator mock tests, it may be a more helpful exercise to break questions down into small flashcards. This way, you can learn regularly and at intervals as opposed to all at once, which can often be overwhelming.

A selection of flashcards, mock questions and answers, and interactive quizzes. Though not an official training material approved by Salesforce, these questions have been collected over time by members of the Salesforce community, so they are a tremendous supplementary learning tool.

Are You Ready for the Salesforce Admin Certification Exam?

So you register to take the Salesforce Admin Certification exam, you map out your plan for exam preparation, and you study for weeks using a kind of official and community resources with the aid of the Salesforce.

While mock tests are a convenient way of estimating how prepared you are for the exam, there will always be a leap of faith. But do not be afraid to gamble on yourself; if you put the work in, then you should have no problems showing your knowledge in the exam.

How Do You Pass a Salesforce Admin Certification Exam?

You want to pass in 105 minutes for 60 multiple-choice exams to become a Salesforce certified admin.

Work through some of the material in the training resources section to prepare you for the exam only by learning the ins and outs of Salesforce administration can you require to pass the exam.

The pass mark is 65%, meaning quite a high level of awareness is required to be strong in this exam.

Enrollment for a Salesforce Administrator Certification exam costs $200, plus taxes depending on your location. If you are unsuccessful at the first time of asking, there is a reduced retake fee of $100, again plus tax.


There is an overwhelming amount of resources available to those who plan to take the Salesforce Admin Certification exam.

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